Steel door

Whether you are looking for an exterior entry door for you house, or fire rated exit door for a commercial building, steel door is still a choice for you. There are several major types of materials doors are usually made of and steel is one of them. Actually, it might actually be one of the most common materials alongside with wood. Usually you will see a lot of articles about comparison of two or more materials, but this article is going to focus entirely on steel doors, its description and options you have.

Because every steel door is more secure than any other type, they are commonly used for commercial property. This does not mean that they are not suitable for residential purposes. Let’s see why steel doors are always a good alternative:

· Endurance: when we are talking about steel doors, we have to mention endurance and strength first. There are different types of steel that doors are made of, some are stronger and some less strong, but compared to other materials, steel won’t crack or warp. Steel doors are durable for many years and most of them have qualities like waterproofness, fire resistance and others.

· Low maintenance: usually steel doors are easy to clean and maintain. They do not need a special polish. Water will not make it bubble or make pain pill off, if it’s painted properly. Steel door is also the best, because it does not keep that much dust. So even if you don’t use if your several years, you won’t need to entirely change it, cleaning it with yet towel will do. They are hard to scratch. Just to make sure that your door is secured, buy it with proper warranty.  

· Design: one more good thing about steel doors is that they come in almost every shape and color that you like. Market offers various design from modern to vintage. When you think about a steel door, do not imagine a rough steel surface. Sometimes steel doors come in smooth or wood textures. If you are not yet satisfied with this, you can look for a steel door that is styled with glass. Usually they are easy to paint yourself, you just need to research how to do it properly. This way you can make your steel door unique.


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