Fire Rated Steel Doors | Security Doors Direct

If you want to keep your life and property safe, nothing will work better than fire rates steel doors. You can secure yourself from an intruder with a security camera or an alarm, but when you are dealing with fire, there’s no running away. That is why most of the companies choose to have fire rated steel doors for their safety and their property’s minimal damage. Nobody’s fully protected from getting in a situation like things and if you do, you need to be ready every minute. In this article we are going to talk about fire rated steel doors and what are some details that you need to pay attention to.
    Fire endurance – of course, this is the top quality of fire rated steel door that we need to discuss. This type of doors is tested before selling, to make sure that it works properly. Fire endurance is measured both in time and degrees. What we mean by this is that they are tested on what is the maximal heat degree they can endure and for how many minutes. Also, there is an important feature that fire rated doors are tested on – temperature rise. These doors, besides hourly rating, have temperature rise rating.
•    More safety – safety, safety and more safety is what you should be looking for in a fire rated door. To make it even stronger, doors are usually glazed. This way you will increase not only safety, but also enable vision, which is an essential feature when it comes to dealing with fire. Glazing is often done with glass. Do not get confused. Sometimes, if glazing is not done properly, it will weaken the door. For example, there was such a practice when they glazed it with wired glass. It was believed that this made doors stronger, but the opposite is true. Wire weakens the glass and makes it less resistant to fire. 

•    Smoke control – fire is not the only thing that is dangerous during the emergency. Actually, people lose lives more with smoke, than fire itself. This might be because smoke travels faster and gets in the places that fire can’t. high-quality fire rated steel doors should also protect you from smoke. They are usually tested on this too. Just to make sure you are safe from this, measure gaps between walls and the door, there are requirements that it needs to follow.


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